Thematic Priorities

Women’s Economic Empowerment

Efforts to expand women’s equal opportunities to access and control economic resources (including land, property, technology, financial services, inheritance and natural resources) and promote women’s sustainable entrepreneurship in accordance with national laws and international commitments, with an emphasis on environmentally sustainable development.

Efforts to promote access to decent work and equal pay for all women including recognition of unpaid domestic and care work, through legislation, social protection policies, service delivery, and shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.

Women’s Political Empowerment

Efforts to promote women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership and political participation at all levels of decision-making and in all spheres of life.

Efforts to help design, enforce and implement new and existing gender equality laws and policies, review discriminatory content, and to shift social norms and practices toward greater respect for and enjoyment of women’s equal rights.

to benefit women and children locally and globally to have a better life. Your support will be appreciated by all of us at Social Impact Development Foundation and the impecunious women and children, we help with our various programs.

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Women Empowerment

livelihood Trainings / Skill development